Zorian is a teenage mage of humble birth and slightly above-average skill, attending his third year of education at Cyoria’s magical academy.
He is a driven and irritable young man, consumed by a desire to ensure his own future and free himself of the influence of his family, whom he resents for favoring his brothers over him. Consequently, he has no time for pointless distractions or paying attention to other people’s problems.
As it happens, time is something he is about to get plenty of. On the eve of the Cyoria’s annual summer festival, he is killed and brought back to the beginning of the month, just before he was about to take a train to Cyoria.
Suddenly trapped in a time loop with no clear end or exit, Zorian will have to look both within and without to unravel the mystery before him. And he does have to unravel it, for the time loop hadn’t been made for his sake and dangers lurk everywhere…
Repetition is the mother of learning, but Zorian will have to first make sure he survives to try again — in a world of magic, even a time traveler isn’t safe from those who wish him ill.
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Comments on the novel chapters for the last week.
Don't even consider it, you have to read this novel, it has fascinating world building, an absolutely epic plot. dragons, liches, angels, demons and gods. and character growth that leaves you suffering for more
It might have 108 chapter but theres so much writing.
Saw the 'Skip Button' ending in TSP and I'm hungry for more time loop novels but I couldn't find any good ones so I'm back here for my 2nd reread
Halfway through on day 2, will say absolutely a 9/10 novel. I'm a romance enjoyer, so it cant get a 10/10 from me cause nothing sweet really ever happens aside from good character growth, comraderie, family bonds, etc. Truly 10/10 for me would have a good, true, female lead and some love in the air. Regardless, I think this story is really hard to understand how the ages correlate with intelligence. I know for a fact 3 year olds, 8 year olds, and 9 year olds I talk to aren't at the level of this book's representation. Lots of times I forget our main character isn't even 18, like at least 18 with how quickly he adapts and morphs his worldview. Not a complaint, if anything kind of funny at times when I remember character ages. It's belated of me to make this comparison but this story is also kind of a "side character" main character story. Zorian genuinely would've never had to deal with any of this without a simple coincidence (fate?). Maybe he is the chosen one and I need to read it.
Goated novel
"Repetition is the Mother of Learning"
the reason why this novel isn't in the top 10 is because its story ended 2 years ago. the name too cause ngl i didnt read this for 2 months cause of the name. but this novel is really good better than most ive read
This novel was, great. 10/10 would recommend
legally i still don't understand how this isn't top 10 on the ranking like its f*ck*ng rank 195 💀 like how does this not make top 100 but sm*t novel and harem novels do
Tip from a reader, i had gained so much momentum reading this i was on chapter 33 in a week (i think), i had gone a long way until i scrolled down and saw a spoiler, that f*ck*d me up i'll tell you, so much i stopped, now 2 years have passed, i have forgotten most of this absolute godly writting, i will restart, have a good reading. DO NOT READ SPOILERS <3